These stories are not intended as medical advice, they are the clients words and thoughts on their own birth experience to help new mothers find comfort, education and knowledge through their storytelling

Birth Stories

Sharing Birth Stories from BirthNest Clients in Their Own Words

Alana Matson Alana Matson

Vaginal Birth in the shower, Antibiotics in Labour, Induction - Sarah

This story shows Sarah navigating her labour through many changes in her circumstances. She discusses the importance of her birth partners role and the tools they used to have a positive induction birth. Her support from her Midwife is seen through having Sarah go home between antibiotic doses and offering a different alternative in monitoring so she could continue to labour (and birth) in the shower.

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Alana Matson Alana Matson

Spontaneous labour, Positive Emergency Cesarean - Steph

Steph experienced a previous traumatic first birth. With an emergency cesarean section under general anaesthetic, she chose to approach her next birth differently. Although she had another cesarean birth, this was some what healing and empowering for her.

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Alana Matson Alana Matson

Long labour, Forceps Birth - Elli

A long labour, but an empowering forceps vaginal birth in the end. Elli experienced many changes in her circumstances and felt supported with her choices. You can see the joy in Elli’s face as her baby is placed on her chest.

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Alana Matson Alana Matson

Spontaneous vaginal birth in the shower, minimal intervention - Monique

A planned Homebirth to begin with, eventually changed due to the perception that Moniques baby was measuring small and not growing. Her care providers offering induction. Monique had faith in her body and the health of her baby to decline this induction and the journey of how to navigate the hospital setting when labelled ‘high risk’. To then proceed to a vaginal birth, with minimal intervention of a healthy baby girl.

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