Find the right class for you


Group Classes

The Positive Birth Program Group Classes - $550

The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Program, with a small group of up to 5-7 couples.

What is included?

  • 12 hours of content

  • online access to an eBook, downloads, mp3 tracks, extra resources & birth videos

  • Hard copy folio to take into your birth

  • On going support leading up to your birth

  • Class provided in person over 2 days (usually 2 consecutive Sundays.)

  • Light refreshments provided.

Private Classes

The Positive Birth Program Private Session - $900

The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Program, one-on-one session, in the comfort of your own home or via Zoom, working around your own schedule. 12 hours of content tailored for your convenience. Normally offered in 4x 3hrs sessions or 2 x 6hrs sessions.

Refresher Class - $340

Have you completed The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Program in a previous pregnancy?

You can do a Refresher Class privately in the comfort of your own home

Refresh your skills and learn any new/updated course material.

What is included?

  • 3hr Private Session in person or via zoom

  • Debrief your previous birth

  • Continuing support leading up to your birth

  • Updated folio and access to online resources

Online Classes

Hypnobubs® Online $199

Hypnobubs® Online Course. The closest you will get to attending a class in person, contains high quality resources.

  • eBook, downloads, mp3 tracks for pregnancy and birth

  • Over 6 hours of professional video tuition by Australia's leading expert in hypnobirthing, Melissa Spilsted.

  • In the comfort of your home with 24/7 access.

Hypnobubs® Online + 90min Private Session - $349

Combine the Hypnobubs® Online Course plus a 90 min 1 on 1 session with myself either in person or via zoom. Take the time to learn some hands on tools/techniques, answer any questions and ongoing support in the lead up to your birth

What is included?

  • Hypnobubs® Online 24/7 access

  • Online learning platform

  • Bonus material, printable resources, MP3s and videos

  • 90 min session either in your home or via zoom

  • Receive ongoing support leading up to your birth

Contact Me if

If you have any questions regarding The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Program please get in touch. You may like to contact me also if:

  • You have extenuating circumstances

  • You can’t do the regular scheduled classes

  • You are over 34 weeks

  • You are regional

  • You are a FIFO family

  • You are unable to attend all Group Classes

Positive Birth Program Overview

Unit 1 - Creating & maintaining a positive mindset

  • Introduction to the positive mindset of hypnobirthing

  • How our brain is wired to birth

  • The role of our caregivers

  • Mind/Body connections

  • What is hypnosis and how will we use it for birthing?

  • Our hormones are our friends

  • My amazing uterus - understanding the physiology behind birthing

  • Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome

  • Causes of fear (including history) and how it affects our labour

  • Re-programming the Subconscious

  • Our support team

  • Birthing environment

  • The language of empowered birthing

  • The power of affirmations

Unit 2 - Our toolkit for birth

  • The importance of facial relaxation

  • Relaxation Breathing - a skill for life

  • Surge Breathing - the best tool ever

  • Techniques to help make your surges more comfortable

  • The ‘urge’ to push/bear down - Breathing/Bearing down

  • Instant relaxation techniques

  • Self Hypnosis Tracks

  • Birth music

  • Conditioning with scent

  • Hypnotic anchors and triggers

  • Releasing endorphins through massage and touch

  • Acupressure techniques for pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding

  • Visualisations for pregnancy, labour & birthing

Unit 3 - Preparation & choices for empowered birthing

  • Achieving a natural start to labour

  • Maintaining a healthy diet

  • Preparing the body - staying active

  • Optimising baby’s position

  • Breech or Posterior - options & positions

  • Self hypnosis, meditation and deep relaxation techniques and scripts

  • Bonding with baby

  • Birth Preferences - having open communication with your caregivers

  • Knowledge is power - researching common intervention and procedures

  • Questions to ask, to assist in making informed decisions

  • Birth partner as advocate

  • ‘Guess date’ - a normal range of pregnancy

  • Inductions - things you’re not always told

Unit 4 - Birth: bringing it all together

  • Special circumstances (including caesarean birth)

  • Fear release

  • Vocalisation

  • Cord clamping & placenta delivery

  • Undisturbed bonding & breastfeeding time - skin to skin

  • What to expect afterwards

  • Self-hypnosis - Rehearsal for Birth

  • A practice routine - preparation for birth

  • What to expect in the weeks and days leading up to birth

  • Signs that labour is starting

  • What to expect through labour (membranes releasing etc.)

  • When to call the midwife/go to hospital

  • Accidental home/car birth - what to do.

  • Birth partner’s role

  • Common procedures

  • Using water during labour and birth

  • Upright positioning, movement and birth positions

Hypnobirthing Australia courses near me
hypnobirthing antenatal classes perth south