Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Program
Hypnobirthing Australia™ knows the importance of receiving gold standard Childbirth Education. This Program is uniquely developed for Australian women and their support partners. It covers a range of complimentary therapies including relaxation techniques, breathing, visualisation, Acupressure, movement, touch and self hypnosis.
Did You Know?
A recent study has shown women who completed an Independent Childbirth Education Program, that included complimentary therapies, practically halved the intervention rates for birth.
Don’t miss out on all the benefits.
What is the Positive Birth Program?
The Positive Birth Program is an evidence-based, up to date childbirth education program designed for Australian women and their birth partners. It focuses on achieving a positive and empowering birth experience no matter how your baby comes into this world. It gives you the appropriate preparation, knowledge, tools and support to achieve this and help you navigate your own birth with confidence in yourself, your body and your birth partner.
This program is not about having a natural, drug free birth, but more about giving you tools to help navigate the amazing journey your body experiences through birth, and walking away from your birth feeling strong, empowered and positive. The program provides you with 12hrs of either group or private classes, discussing the tools and techniques to help prepare you for labour and birth. The program also covers the physiology behind birth, and can provide you with extra resources to assist if certain circumstances change. You are also given access to additional online resources, further support, MP3s, videos and downloads.
Hypnobirthing does not mean you will be ‘hypnotised’ in labour. It is a generic term which is associated with using self hypnosis in labour and birth. This is a form of deep relaxation, and is only one of the many tools the Positive Birth Program provides you with. By using hypnotherapy techniques it can help you release any fear towards birth, and assist in the natural release of endorphins and other hormones during your pregnancy, labour and birth. The tools we focus on in the program are relaxation, visualisation, movement, acupressure, touch, self-hypnosis and breathing, to prepare you for your birth journey. These techniques can also help you in your everyday life, not just birthing your baby into a calmer and more relaxed environment.
OUR MISSION is for you and your birth partner to achieve a positive and empowering birth experience, one that you will want to tell everyone about and never forget (who wouldn't want to achieve this for their birth).